Thursday, 10 January 2013

2013 Feminist Reading Challenge

So this is basically a reading challenge that focuses on strong female main characters. if you want more information about it.

I am going for the harder challenge which is 10+ books.

I love reading and last year read 73 books.

I think this will be an interesting challenge and will be documenting it here.

Every time I read a book I'll write a summary/review on here.

Sometimes the books won't be related to this challenge, but a majority will.

So hopefully you will join me on this adventure and enjoy!

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Following My Dreams...

I have decided since I have no commitments at the moment I have decided to try out for 'Australia's Next Top Model'.

I have always loved dressing up and taking photos. When I was younger my Mum put me in a modelling course. I loved it!

I wanted to try out in 2011, but I was in Queensland when the auditions were in Adelaide and I was in Adelaide when they were in Queensland so I missed out.

I think it was for the best considering I was still at school and it was my last chance there.

This is a huge step for me. Even if I don't make far or even get in I'll be proud of myself for trying. I am going to give it my all!

I have already started practising. I have been trying poses in the mirror and taking photos of myself to see what looks good. I have also been wearing heels everyday and practising the catwalk walk.

I feel a bit silly doing it, but I know that if I don't practice then I won't get far.

Even if I don't make it I won't give up! I'll take some classes and try and find work.

I hope by trying I can achieve my dreams or at least inspire others (like my younger siblings) to go for your dreams, because you will never know unless you try and give it your all.

Wish me luck and know that I love you all.

- Kazzie xox

When I was 15