Title: The Summoning, The Awakening, The Reckoning
Series: Darkest Powers
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Genre: Young Adult
My Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Challenge: Feminist Book Challenge 2013
Summary: This Trilogy focuses on a fifteen year old girl called Chloe. The day of her first period she sees a man no one else can and gets sent to a group home for troubled teens, diagnosed with a mental illness. Yet not everything is as it seems, something strange is happening and she must figure out what is really happening before it is too late. Danger, mystery and love, left me hooked.
My opinion: I fell in love with this Trilogy pretty much from the first page. The characters were interesting and so was the plot. My favourite thing would have to be how Kelley Armstrong didn’t sugar coat the ugly truth of things. Like the realistic situation of living on the streets, and when Derek goes through his change. I also liked the mix of supernatural and science, the genetic experiments really peaked my interest. I think this Trilogy is defiantly worth reading and I would recommend this to anyone who wants a fresh taste of supernatural and romance.