Sunday 23 September 2012

New Job

I got a new job and start it early tomorrow morning. I will be a promotional worker. That means I'll be handing out samples for a client. For example handing out samples of a drink.

I'll try and vlog, love you xo

Sunday 16 September 2012

Movie Project

I wanted to try and get into acting, but I have to wait to the start of next year to do the course I am interested in. So for now I am doing youtube videos. I was going to create a web-series (still might) but for the time being I am doing some short movies. I have gotten a team of my friends together and we have written a script, it is all coming together.

For this first project we have re-written Little Red Riding Hood, but with a more modern twist. It is kind of funny how I really want to be an actor yet I have given myself a small role.

I will be playing the mother, my seven year old sister Skye is the main character and my friend Scott is the "wolf". In our version there isn't really a wolf, it is a stranger who meets Amy (Skye) in the park.

I am so excited as this is coming together. We have school holidays starting next week so the actors can rehearse and possibly film too. (This is a really short movie)

As soon as it is finished I will be posting here and on youtube and everywhere else!!!!

Hope you guys will like it.